Metodologia de análise na teoria da dependência
da análise dos problemas latino-americanos ao desenvolvimento de propostas de intervenção
DOI: clave:
Teoria da dependência. Metodologia. América Latina.Resumen
In this paper, we intend to initiate a mapping and to deepen the understanding of concepts, variables and indicators developedin the critical original lineage of Dependency Theory (Gunder Frank, Ruy Mauro Marini, Vânia Bambirra, Theotonio dos Santos) and in that one that have been developed in actuality. We start from the duality of the concept of dependence: interdependence (Fernando Henrique Cardoso) and structural dependency (Ruy Mauro Marini) and their “scientific” validation, moving from the concepts of unequal exchange, super-exploitation of the labor force, sub-imperialism, reproduction pattern, regional integration and, next, endogenous innovation, cultural subordination, among others, to construct a conceptual framework that will broaden the horizons and facilitate the direction of comparative research as well as the “precision” of the analysis in the elaboration of diagnoses of Latin American problems. From the conceptual framework will be glimpsed new possibilities for the construction of indicators that will provide elements for political decisions and social intervention.Referencias
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