Race and racism as legal concepts of resistance
Race, Racism, Resistance, Legal language, PerformativityAbstract
The purpose of this entry is to consider the terms race and racism as legal concepts, but, more than that, as terms of resistance within the field of law. To do so, it draws upon the meanings produced by Black intellectuals throughout history who have redefined the notion of race – and, alongside it, have also given meaning to the notion of racism – shifting it from a biological description to a signification of processes, practices, behaviors, constructions, and social discourses regarding individuals and groups. These redefine and create "statuses" and "social positions" within a social dynamic of hierarchy and white supremacy. The objective is to use legal language based on the understanding that it is performative, requiring ethical commitments in its usage. This commitment includes, here, employing concepts produced by and within Black movements to enable the development of legal concepts that serve as tools of resistance.
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