Racism and Ideology: critical debate between structuralist Marxism and critical realism
Structural racism, Ideology, Marxism, Structuralism, Critical RealismAbstract
The article aims to carry out a critical dialogue with the text Racism in Three Dimensions: a realistic-critical approach, by Luiz Augusto Campos, to oppose the notions of structural racism and racism as an ideology developed in it, based on the concept of racism structural in a Marxist perspective, which has been spread more widely in Brazil from the work of Silvio Almeida. The text is divided into three parts: the first presents Luiz Augusto Campos' propositions from a critical perspective. In the second, the perspective of structural racism in the work of Silvio Almeida is presented. Finally, it is presented how the concepts of structure and ideology, in the work of Silvio Almeida, are derived from structuralist Marxism.
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