Intersecting Freire: bell hooks, inclusive language and dialogue
Paulo freire, bell hooks, linguagem inclusiva, genero, interseccionalidadeAbstract
Following narratives on the conflict between Paulo Freire and U.S. feminists about the language Freire used, this article seeks to bring an additional view on the path chosen by one of them, bell hooks, in her criticism. Loyal to his thesis, analysing and admitting to the mistake of minimizing the impact of language in his Pedagogy of hope after feminist criticism, Freire begins to use inclusive language. Bell hooks’s precious dialogue, however, goes beyond criticism and fixing. In her analysis of the situation, she explains in her Teaching to transgress, in a delicate manner, the fruits yielded post-criticism. It is our aim to observe that bridge built in education for human rights, which considers social, gender, class, race and sexuality struggles from an intersectional perspective, between a male and a female masters educating themselves mutually.
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