Movimento ambientalista na China contemporânea:
ambiente em disputa
China, Movimento ambientalista, Mudanças ambientais, ONGsAbstract
This article seeks to present a historical reconstruction of the development of the environmental movement, based on the understanding of the structure and functioning of environmental NGOs. We present a brief overview of the environmental issue in China and of governmental environmental policies. From these elements it is possible to reflect on the role of NGOs in the contemporary world, their position of dialogue with the State and society, exemplified by environmental protests and public action in two different cases of hydroelectric construction. A change in the position of the Chinese government over the environmental movement in the last three decades has been observed, evidencing a greater incorporation of its demands, and it is possible to consider NGOs as a new active social actor in Chinese environmental policy. The notion of risk society and environmental multiator governance is used as a theoretical principle to analyze the object of study of this article
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