Notes on the relation between alternative legal services and marxism or: is it possible to work with alternative legal services under a marxist point of view?


  • Thiago Arruda Lima UFERSA



Alternative legal services. Law. Marxism.


In this paper, we discuss the relation between alternative legal services and marxism, considering the theme of the compatibilty between both. As research techniques, we resort to bibliographical analysis, especially among marxist theory, including marxist critical theory of law. First, we build a metodological approach, facing the main misunderstandings about the relation between abstract and concrete under the dialectical method. Then, we expose different points of view among marxist theory about political activism in the state field and about legal services based on a critical positioning. We conclude that there is no incompatibility between marxism and alternative legal services, because the articulation between abstract and concrete developed by the marxist theory allows the association between a radically critical point of view about legality and a tactical use of law, always sustained on a concrete analysis of concrete situations.


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How to Cite

Notes on the relation between alternative legal services and marxism or: is it possible to work with alternative legal services under a marxist point of view?. InSURgência: revista de direitos e movimentos sociais [InSURgence: rights and social movements journal], Brasília, v. 2, n. 2, p. 194–219, 2017. DOI: 10.26512/insurgncia.v2i2.19369. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.

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