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Author Guidelines

Submitted articles first undergo a prior editorial review and can be accepted for evaluation or rejected at this stage. Then, they are evaluated by a pair of reviewers anonymously, and can be approved, approved with mandatory corrections, refused or changes requested for new evaluations.


The files must not contain mention of authorship of the works;

Articles must be between 15 and 30 pages, considering the entire archive;

Papers must have a title in English, as well as an abstract (maximum of 800 characters, including spaces) and keywords (between three and five);

Articles in languages other than Portugues or English will also be accepted, but must include title, abstract and keywords in the original language, followed, in each item, by the versions in Portuguese and English;

As for formatting, the files must present:

1. A4 page configuration, with 3 cm left and right margins and 2 cm top and bottom margins;

2. Text written in Times New Roman font, size 12, interlinear spacing 1.5, justified alignment;

3. Title in centralized Portuguese, font size 14, and below title in centralized English, font size 12;

4. 1 cm indentation in the first line of the paragraph;

5. Quotations with more than three lines must be made in a new paragraph (by skipping a line between the previous and the posterior) without quotation marks, with a 4 cm indentation and font size 10, Times New Roman;

6. Footnotes must be succinct and punctual, with justified alignment and font size 10, Times New Roman;

7. Files must be sent in .doc or .docx formats;

8. The reference system must be in the author-date format;

9. At the end, the bibliography used must be included, according to the rules below.

Regarding bibliographic references, a set of examples follows for authors:

I. Book (original language)

BOAL, Augusto. Teatro do oprimido e outras poéticas políticas. 6 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1991.


II. Book (translated)

CÉSAIRE, Aimé. Caderno de um retorno ao país natal. Tradução de Anísio Garcez Homem e Fábio Brüggemann. Florianópolis: Terceiro Milênio, 2011.

III. Book chapter

PRESSBURGER, Thomaz Miguel. “El derecho a favor de los sectores populares”. Traducción de María Eugenia Urrestarazu Silva. In: DE LA TORRE RANGEL, Jesús Antonio (coord.). Derecho alternativo y crítica jurídica. México, D.F.: Porrúa; Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente; Aguascalientes: Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, 2002, p. 213-223.


IV. Journal article

FREIRE, Paulo. A alfabetização de adultos: é ela um quefazer neutro? In: Educação e sociedade. São Paulo: Cortez; Autores Associados, ano I, n. 1, setembro de 1978, p. 64-70.

V. Newspaper article

GALVÃO, Patrícia. Em defesa da pesquisa. In: Vanguarda Socialista. Rio de Janeiro, ano I, n. 9, 26 de outubro de 1945, p. p. 3-4.


VI. Thesis or dissertation

ALMEIDA, Ana Lia Vanderlei de. Um estalo nas faculdades de direito: perspectivas ideológicas da assessoria jurídica universitária popular. João Pessoa: Programa de Pós-Graduação (Doutorado) em Ciências Jurídicas da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 2015.

VII. Internet text

GIANNOTTI, Vito. As reformas de base necessárias. In: Brasil de fato. São Paulo, 10 de abril de 2014. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 14 jan. 2015.


VIII. Legislation

BRASIL. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, de 5 de outubro de 1988. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 mai. 2015.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The article does not contain cross citations or self-citation at excessive or predatory levels.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the Editor".
  • Upon completion of the submission, the authors and authors express that they have read the page About the Journal and comply with the policies of Peer Review Process, Copyright, Free Access, Retraction and Archiving of the InSURgência Journal.
  • Upon completion of the submission, the authors and the authors declare that they have read and are in agreement with the Declaration of Ethics in the Publications of the InSURgência Journal.
  • Upon completion of the submission, authors authorize the publication of submitted documents, taking responsibility for their authorship and/or their rights of use, and agree that, in case of publication, this will be carried out under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  • The authors are aware that, in case of verification at any time of ethical conflicts, plagiarism, redundant publications, use of materials without rights of use, infringement of other authors' rights or absence of declaration of conflicts of interest by the authors, the insurgency magazine reserves the right to portray the publications based on guidelines constructed by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors. In case of scientific article, the submitted file follows the "model available for the sections Dossier and In defense of research". In case of review, the submitted file follows the "template provided for the Return Notebook".
  • All elements that allow the identification of the authors and/ or the authors were removed from the text and file. The username has been removed in "Document Properties", MS Word "File" menu option. To ensure the complete removal of personal information, follow the steps here.
  • The texts informed in the submission system should not use upper case, with the exception of observing the rules of the ABNT (Brazilian National Standards Organization) for the preparation of the References. Titles should be inserted in full in the "Title" field, and the fields "Prefix" and "Subtitle" should be disregarded.
  • The names of all co-authors were informed, as well as the data "Institution/Affiliation", "Summary of Biography" (containing at least the description of the highest academic degree) and "ORCID ID" in their records. In case of articles for the sections "Dossier" or "In defense of research", these data are mandatory for the continuation of the submission process.
  • I declare, under the terms of the brazilian General Law for the Protection of Personal Data, that I agree with the processing of my personal data informed in this submission for the purpose of possible publication of a scientific or academic work in the journal InSURgência.
  • It should be completed and attached in the submission system or sent to the email «» the file "authorship data form".

InSURgent dialogues

Interview section, tributing to Miguel Pressburger.


Scientific articles section.

- Open submissions

- Indexed articles

- Blind peer review

- Free access

- Responsibility of the authors

Generating Themes

Entries section, tributing to Paulo Freire.

Return Notebook

Text review section, tributing to Aimé Césaire.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.