Crenças dos aprendizes brasileiros de japonês sobre seu aprendizado: com foco na etnia e nível de proficiência em japonês

Beliefs of Brazilian learners of Japanese regarding their learning: with a focus on ethnicity and proficiency level in Japanese




Beliefs, Brazilian learners of Japanese, Japanese descendants, Non-Japanese descendants, Proficiency level


This quantitative research aims to investigate the beliefs of Brazilian learners of Japanese regarding the learning and use of the language, focusing on their ethnicity (Japanese Brazilians or non-Japanese Brazilians) and proficiency level in Japanese. The results from the factor analysis of the 98 collected questionnaires revealed five extracted factors: the importance of effort and awareness in language learning, the need for grammar in learning, the interest in Japan and intention to visit, the interest in the Japanese Brazilian community, and the relationship between achieving an advanced level and willingness/effort. It became evident that interest in Japan and the Japanese Brazilian community, as well as the importance of grammar in learning, are particularly prominent factors in their learning beliefs.

Author Biography

  • Yuki Mukai, Universidade de Brasília

    Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) in 2009 and Master of Arts in Letters - Japanese Language - from the University of São Paulo (USP) in 2003. Completed a sandwich Ph.D. in the area of Pacific and Asian Studies at the University of Victoria, Canada, in 2008. Also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Applied Linguistics, focusing on studies of beliefs about teaching and learning Japanese as a foreign language, at the University of Brasília (2010-2011), as well as at the Department of Asian Studies of the Institute of Letters and Human Sciences at the University of Minho, Portugal (2013-2014). Currently holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation at the Institute of Letters of the University of Brasília (UnB), as well as being an accredited professor in the Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics (PGLA) of the same department. He is also a visiting professor at the Tokyo Metropolitan University since 2023, where he is conducting his postdoctoral research funded by the Foundation for Research Support of the Federal District (FAPDF). He served as president of the Brazilian Association of Japanese Studies (ABEJ) from 2019 to 2022, and as coordinator of the PGLA from 2021-2023. His research interests focus on Applied Linguistics (teaching and learning foreign languages and beliefs of students and teachers), pedagogical grammar, and teaching Japanese as a foreign language. He is the author of the book "Wa e ga: as partículas gramaticais da língua japonesa" (2nd expanded edition, Pontes, 2020) and several articles and book chapters in the areas of Applied Linguistics and Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language. He published the book "Gramática da língua japonesa para falantes do português" in 2016 (3rd Editions, Pontes, 2017).



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How to Cite

Crenças dos aprendizes brasileiros de japonês sobre seu aprendizado: com foco na etnia e nível de proficiência em japonês: Beliefs of Brazilian learners of Japanese regarding their learning: with a focus on ethnicity and proficiency level in Japanese. (2024). Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 23(1), AG4.

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