Nietzsche and Luther: conscience, guilt and justification




The conception of I am aware is one of the big critics that Nietzsche shows to Modernity. The I am aware, by the notions of truth, moral, and ending subjects the plurality subjective of individual. As the conscience Bewusstsein in its bilogical sense, the product more undone of fisical development, as the conscience Gewissenin its moral sense, the obstacle before the manifestation of instincts, Nietzsche consider as expresssion of décadence of Modernity. The Protestant Reform, proposed by Luther, to resurrect the Christianity founded by faith, grace end scripture, oppose to Rebirth. This last one would have been the chance that the culture would have of rise to resurrect the old greek ideas. Nietzsche understand that Luther, to focus in notion of an I am aware of guilt and that only by the faith is apt of subjetct to justifiable grace of crucified God, gives the victory palm to ascetic priest. To what extent have the accusations of Nietzsche make sense that, by the I am aware Luther divinizes the dead, the pain and suffering to the detriment of subjugation of life?



How to Cite

Nietzsche and Luther: conscience, guilt and justification. Journal of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 123–146, 2018. DOI: 10.26512/rfmc.v5i2.12594. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.