Occupying the apocalypse with Lucas Matos





contemporary Brazilian poetry; economic anthropology; apocalypse.


This article is dedicated to analyzing the poem “ocupando o apocalipse com laurie”, published in 1989 by Rio de Janeiro native poet Lucas Matos (2018). The aim was to understand how said poem elaborates contemporary forms of labor and eschatological discourse. To do this, a literary critical analysis was carried out, which considers rhythmic, graphic, and figurative aspects; and an interdisciplinary and comparative analysis, drawing from economics and economic anthropology, particularly the work of anarchist activist David Graeber. In conclusion, Lucas's poem brings forth the notion of the end of the world while simultaneously proposing that we “occupy” it with the imagination of political, communal, freer alternatives.


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How to Cite

Occupying the apocalypse with Lucas Matos. (2024). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 73. https://doi.org/10.1590/2316-40187316