Our contemporary bonfires: normative gender standards in Elas marchavam sob o Sol by Cristina Judar





literature; gender; women


Aesthetic standards, taboos about female body, inequality between men and women, sexuality, oppression, violence, and intolerance are issues present in recent discussions about gender. The book Elas marchavam sob o Sol by Cristina Judar, in a challenging and very original way brings all these elements to light. With an intimate and fluid narrative, the autor, through two young characters — Ana and Joan — questions normative gender standards established in our culture and interrogates their validity and usefulness. The objective of this article is to analyze some of these questions raised throughout the narrative, relating them to our social context. For this to be possible, Joan Scott’s concept of gender (1995) will be used as a guide for reflections and a bibliography that will help in the analysis process, which will include authors such as Beauvoir (1970)Pesavento (2003)Saer (2009)Emidio and Gigek (2019).


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» https://rabiscos.libsyn.com/size/5/?search=cristina±judar

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» https://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/educacaoerealidade/article/view/71721

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How to Cite

Our contemporary bonfires: normative gender standards in Elas marchavam sob o Sol by Cristina Judar. (2024). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 71, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1590/2316-40187101