Experiments with the Readings of João Gilberto Noll





reading, João Gilberto Noll, subjectivity, experience


The present text is based on a kind of desecration of the academic article. An essay-experiment, marked by the fusion of creative writing and literary theory, in which is constructed an explicit exposition of subjectivity and confession. Making use of the dramatic form, I seek to reconstruct fifteen hours of dialogue with João Gilberto Noll. In the rereading of my notes, I found many of the author’s own phrases. Writing a dramatic text was a way of experimenting with other forms of theorizing about contemporary Brazilian literature. I believe the time has come for disciplinary diasporas and epistemological bootlegging. Aligned with the Deleuzian assertion that each concept is a territoriality, the present dramaturgy offers a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the construction of the canonical essay. When JGN read his texts in public there was always a mixture of discomfort and restlessness. This essay-play also seeks to present a form of disruptive writing: a theatricality of knowledge.


BARBERENA, Ricardo [s.d.]. Caderno pessoal. Porto Alegre: [s.n.].

BARBERENA, Ricardo (2014). Das luzes à s soleiras: perspectivas críticas na literatura brasileira contemporânea. Porto Alegre: Luminara.

NOLL, João Gilberto (2008a). A fúria do corpo. Rio de Janeiro: Record.

NOLL, João Gilberto (2008b). Acenos e afagos. São Paulo: Record.

NOLL, João Gilberto (2012). Solidão continental. São Paulo: Record.



How to Cite

Experiments with the Readings of João Gilberto Noll. (2019). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 57, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1590/2316-40185716