A stranger in the classroom: interculturality, literary reading and teaching
literary literacy, intercultural translation, Wisława SzymborskaAbstract
Considering that literature teaching in our country has focused on authors and national works, giving little relevance to intercultural dialogue, this paper reflects on the relationships between literary literacy, interculturality and teaching. Therefore, we present an approach to the classroom that would include, through translation, texts written by foreign authors, specifically the Polish poet Wislawa Szymborska’s “Museum”, alongside the traditional methods of reading promotion already implemented in schools. The reflections presented have basis in studies on literacy from Street (2014) and, especially, in studies on literary literacy from the didactic-methodological guidelines of Cosson (2006) and Colomer (2007). Together with these considerations, we identify in the considerations of Candido (2004) the importance of literature in the formation of subjects, suggesting that it is a human right that should not be denied to anyone. Finally, we conclude by emphasizing the importance of an intercultural approach in literature classes in order to broaden the cultural horizon of our students through contact with texts belonging to other cultures.
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