Ethics and hospitality:

the motive of the monster in O filho da mãe, by Bernardo Carvalho


  • Paulo César S. Oliveira Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Uerj)



This article takes its point of departure a historical series in Brazilian literature in which monstrosity is a central theme, in order to understand the importance of this motif in contemporary fiction, especially in the interrelated fields of fiction and history, ethics and hospitality, as represented in O filho da mãe, by Bernardo Carvalho. Using Mikhail Bakhtin’s (1988) theory of the dialogic imagination and Jacques Derrida’s (2003) theories of hospitality, the essay discusses the novel’s social world, as well as other narrative elements, such as the figures of kunak and the chimera. The analysis of the novel’s social world is complemented by the conceptualization of literature as a passage, proposed by Lucia Helena (2009).


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Thematic Section

How to Cite

Ethics and hospitality:: the motive of the monster in O filho da mãe, by Bernardo Carvalho. (2017). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 52, 148-171.