The contemporary self-author-writer


  • Everton Vinicius de Santa Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC)



This article examines how the the author’s figure changes once it becomes part of a digital space where this figure can be accessed continuously. This switchover implies some changes in the constitution of the writer’s authorial image, or image of the individual who writes, “l’écrivant”, according to Roland Barthes. The switch to a digital medium delegitimizes the figure of the contemporary author and, therefore, changes his/her role. Thus, the writer’s reaction is to create a spectacle. Using the the concept of “ego-histórias”, personal experiences present in the first-person text, I discuss this theme on hand of some characteristics present in two narratives: O espírito da prosa (2012), by Christopher Tezza, and La parte inventada (2014), by Rodrigo Fresán. I demonstrate how digital media and digital and media culture in general favor a metaliterary reflection on the invention of a self-author-writer who deals with the need for exhibitionism powered by digital media in the constitution of its own image.


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Thematic Section

How to Cite

The contemporary self-author-writer. (2017). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 52, 80-101.