Edgar Graeff and the teaching of architecture


  • Wilton Medeiros




Edgar Graeff, brasilian architecture, teaching of architecture, well-being


Edgar Graeff’s legacy in Brazilian architecture goes
beyond his theoretical and pedagogical contributions.
His work represents an attempt to humanize
architectural practice, placing people’s well-being
at the center of the creative process. By promoting
scientific literacy and ethical reflection in architecture,
Graeff invites us to rethink the role of the architect
in society and to seek more humane solutions regarding
the built environment as a “human dwelling”. At
the same time, he transformed his craft into architectural
teaching, as the basis of a dialogical education,
for Brazilian education as a whole.

Author Biography

  • Wilton Medeiros

    Associate Professor at the State University of Goiás (UEG) in the Architecture and Urbanism course. His thesis was nominated for the Capes 2010 award in History by the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), titled: "Goiânia Metrópole: dream, vigil, and awakening (1933-1973)". He holds a postdoctoral degree (PNPD) in Urban Geography from the Urban Studies Laboratory (LEURB/UFPB) and a postdoctoral degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the LabQUAPÁ at FAU/USP. He is a professor in the Graduate Programs in Science Teaching (PPEC) and Cultural Studies, Memory, and Heritage (PROMEP) at UEG. His research lines include: Teaching and the memory of teaching / Cultural heritage and urban history


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How to Cite

Edgar Graeff and the teaching of architecture. (2024). Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 14(2), 70-81. https://doi.org/10.18830/issn2238-362X.v14.n2.2024.05