Lares, cellulares. About architecture and domestication
Deuses Lares, Private property, domestication, cell phones, specters.Abstract
In the oikos, in the domus, in the cult of the ‘deuses lares’, domestication is rooted, as well as the ethics of hospitality, the question of the familiar versus the unfamiliar, themes that include the ancient and cultural problem of the home, the cult of the dead, and later they will move to the worship of monuments. The article also shows how the issue of the dead was and continues to be decisive in the domestication process, especially in the issue of the modern city in the 20th century with Le Corbusier. The article also seeks to highlight the persistence of the sacred fire, now no longer through the home gods, the ancestors; and that this fire brought together all family members, and they listened to the laws pronounced by the gods generation after generation. This fire was replaced in the Modern Age by machines – before radio, then television, today the computer and most emphatically its apotheosis in cell phones, the new cellular gods of the supremacy of individualities –, and now they domesticate us in another way through consumption. Finally, the article is based on authors such as: Fustel de Coulanges, Jean-Claude Schmitt, Jacques Derrida, John Zerzan, Peter Sloterdijk, Hannah Arendt
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