
  • Fernando Fuão



Paulo Freire; pedagogy of architecture; architectural design methodology; architectural representation; clichés; windows.


This essay addresses the issue of clichés and windows in architecture, correlating with the pedagogy of architecture and urbanism as something analogous to a public office. It also considers the body clichés of Vitruvius, Leonardo, Le Corbusier as harmful references to architecture as an integral result of this process and brings up the playboy body in current architecture. All these aspects are linked to a criticism of architecture understood as Banking Pedagogy in Architecture, where these pedagogical practices of architecture are denounced and related to what Paulo Freire called banking pedagogy.

Author Biography

  • Fernando Fuão

    Fernando Fuão é graduado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas (1980), Doutor em Projetos de Arquitetura Texto e Contexto pela Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona-UPC (1987- 92) com a tese Arquitectura como Collage, Pós-Doutor pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia-UERJ sob a supervisão da Filosofa Dra. Dirce Solis (2011-12). Professor Titular da Faculdade de Arquitetura. (UFRGS).


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How to Cite

AMONG WINDOWS, CLICHÉS & PLAYBOYS PRESENT IN ARCHITECTURE. (2021). Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 10(2), 25-45.