Megaprojects, process of urbanization, Fordlândia, Port of Pecém., CarajásAbstract
This study approaches the contradictions and specifi cities of the urbanization process in three areas of Brazil that have in common megaprojects. These megaprojects are Fordlândia and Carajás Railroad in the North, and Port of Pecém, in the Northeast, which involve diff erent logics and times, but with convergences that capital promotes to create its geographies. We aim to analyze aspects of the spatial approach that is established from the correlation between the global and the local processes and what are the characteristics of the urbanization, linked and / or triggered by these megaprojects. The theoretical construction of the approach is that urbanization is a contemporary process that acts connecting local spaces to global capitalist logics, whose main characteristic of manifestation is the creation of specifi cities and also the incessant (re) construction of places. The methodology used is a qualitative approach and it seeks to interpret the diff erent megaprojects as urban constructions that refl ect diff erent moments and stages of the urban process. The result of the incursion was the characterization of diff erent logics of capital that design specifi c spaces and that are materialized with the help of the State. Thus, we present (a) Fordlândia, whose climax was the construction of a city in the middle of the Amazon forest to support the supply of rubber, (b) the EFC as a refl ection of a bold megaproject launched by the military government that over time was privatized, and became a multinational, and (c)the Port of Pecém, which is an important Industrial and Port Complex (CIPP) with a strategic position for the multinationals involved and was supported by the logics of public-private partnerships (PPP). The three logics present specifi cities, but also the common bias: capitalism creates distinct geographies and they are confi gured as prostheses in the territory, sometimes to a greater or lesser extent.
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