urban planning, urban space, fragmentationAbstract
The city seems to appear in the eyes of an observer, divided into different areas that are distinguished by different factors. However, there is a single conformation of the framework. Each eye a scenario is built based on experience, intentions and beliefs. Thus, there is a single cluster, because there is no single look, much less a single city. This is part of the legacy of modernity: the pursuit of truth, the object outside observer, the dichotomy between object / subject. Based on these principles, the structure rises and planning, creating a field of solutions illusory, idealized possibilities of distant object. In this way, the fragmentation of urban space is a constant practice, representing a way of facilitating understanding of the object. However, the paradigm of modernity has been ineffective to support actions that transform the life of man. Thus, the crisis of modernity calls for urgent debate on the position of urban planning to enhance the fragmentation of urban space, trying to stop the possibility of dialogue between the different spaces.
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