Spatial analysis of gastroenteritis in children under five in Paraíba, Brazil, 2010-2017
Spatial Analysis, Primary Health Care, Hospitalization, Gastroenteritis, Ecological StudiesAbstract
Gastroenteritis is a comorbidity that affects children mainly from poor and developing countries, in homes without adequate basic sanitation and with poor hygiene conditions, in addition to living in geographic regions with low rainfall, as is the case of Paraíba located in the most drought in Brazil, the Northeast. Objective: To geographically analyze the spatial clusters of hospitalizations for gastroenteritis in children under five years of age in the state of Paraíba, 2010 - 2017. Methods: This is an ecological, retrospective study with a quantitative approach, whose data used for analysis are referring to the number of hospitalizations for gastroenteritis in the municipalities of Paraíba, correspond to the period from 2010 to 2017. Based on the Geographical Information System, the Spatial Scan statistical method was used to identify significant clusters through Monte Carlo simulation, maps were also prepared of the Spatial Incidence Ratio of the population at risk. Results: 3,901 cases of gastroenteritis were recorded, with a 63.3% reduction in the incidence rate from 2010 (19.9) to 2017 (7.23). The significant spatial clusters were dispersed in the geographic region, with greater concentration in the Sertão and Agreste mesoregions. Conclusion: The spatial geographic analysis of gastroenteritis in children under five years of age in Paraíba identified persistent spatial clusters in high-risk areas in Agreste and Sertão, Paraíba, throughout the period analyzed.
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