Responsabilidade Histórica e Direitos Humanos
considerações ético-sociais sobre a profissão do historiador e o impacto da Declaração dos Direitos Humanos no Estudo da História
Uses and misuses of history, Code of ethics, UDHR, Antoon De BaetsAbstract
The considerations addressed in this work aim to understand the discussions regarding the social-ethical standards from historians as professionals, as well as the social and "repairing" relevance that the study of historiographical themes based on traumatic episodes can have to researchers and to the society affected by the events studied by them. Moreover, it is intended to consider which theoretical and methodological consequences bring about the discussion of social-ethical standards from historians and the social and "amending" relevance (therapeutic function) that the study of negative traumatic episodes may have. Therefore, two elements arise: the uses (responsible) and misuses (irresponsible) of history and historians ethics. In relationship with these axiological issues, the potencial impact of values systems from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the adoption of a code of ethics for the historians proposed by Antoon de Baets is also herein debated.
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