For a theory of the theater's translation for the conteporary scene
Theory of Translation, Translation Studies, Theatrical Translation, Contemporary Translation, Theater.Abstract
As translators of theater, we must be guided in the construction of translations capable of capturing and expressing the needs and possibilities of theatrical representation in the present, raising the dramatic and corporal capacity of the text, as well as making the text accessible to any citizen. If the intention of translation is the representation or popularization of the play, it is important to consider some factors capable of promo- ting the fruition of the text, from the observation of its function. To contribute to a the- orizing about the translation of theatrical texts, to induce an analysis of the conventio- nalism that has governed the translation for several centuries, becomes important in the contemporaneity, since the Theory of Translation, specifically theatrical, is still incipient. In this context, we hope to contribute with our observations on the theme, promoting the interaction of the academic universe with the theatrical, to foster critical thinking around the conventions that still govern the translation of the theatrical text.
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