Um estudo de Análise de Discurso Crítica: diferenciação racial de traficantes de drogas na mídia


  • Josenia Antunes Vieira Universidade de Brasília
  • João Victor P. D. Rocha Universidade de Brasília



Discourse. Communication. Racism. Drug traffic. Marijuana.


This study resides in the field of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), having as theoretical framework the analysis methodology of Fairclough (2001) and the concepts of ideology by Fairclough (2001), van Dijk (2005, 2008a) and Thompson (1995). Today, in Brazil, racism is expressed in mass media in subtle forms, one of which being the belief that certain social groups are directly involved with criminality and drug traffic, whereas other groups don't. The selection of the analysis corpus was made with an online searcher, using the search terms "middle-class youngsters get arrested with marijuana" and "dealer gets arrested with marijuana", in order to select police news from massive newspapers which represented the dicotomy middle-class youngsters versus dealer in similar news. There were chosen two news from G1 website. The discourse analysis highlighted that the racial differentiation of criminals is performed by passivization, personalization and nominalization, regarding the middle-class youngsters, and by obliteration of the subject and stereotyping, for the lower-class dealer. In the first case, the subjects have names and the circunstances of the arrest are more detailed.In the second case, the subject is not identified and the fact itself is poorly detailed. Instead of the explicit identification of the criminal, he is depicted as the criminal type (dealer). The passivization takes place in the use of passive voice and also in nominalization, that is, the conversion of verbal actions in nominal syntagms, such as "involvement with drugdealing".


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Portais de notícias:

G1. Polícia prende jovens com 300 kg de maconha no Rio. Disponível em <>. Acesso em 19 nov. 2015.

G1. Polícia prende traficante com 10 quilos de maconha em Fortaleza. Disponível em <>. Acesso em: 19 nov. 2015.

PRAGMATISMO POLÃTICO. G1 vê diferenças entre apanhados com drogas. Disponível em <>. Acesso em: 19 nov. 2015.




How to Cite

Um estudo de Análise de Discurso Crítica: diferenciação racial de traficantes de drogas na mídia. (2018). Discursos Contemporâneos Em Estudo, 3(1), 47-62.