O blogue corporativo como representação empresarial
Representations. Transitivity. Representation structures. Multimodality.Abstract
New multimodal tools connected to Internet, such as websites and corporate blogs, have multiplied in the business universe, due to changes in the communication paradigm. The aim of this article is to analyze multimodal representations in the blog of a Portuguese company group. We intend to
analyze verbal and visual choices in order to understand how this company group is represented. To accomplish this objective, we follow Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1994, 2004) and Social Semiotics principles (KRESS; van LEEUWEN, 1996, 2006) applied to business discourse. The analytical tools are focused on Halliday's transitivity system and on the structures of visual representation of Visual Grammar. The main results of this analysis show that, although the objective of interactivity inherent to this textual genre is not achieved, this blog represents the company group in bringing together different resources and genres. We conclude that it has an internal and external mission, representing, on one hand, the company group as an entity with
animated and human characteristics roughly linked to the quality and the environment, and, on the other, through its attributes.
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