A representação do feminino em textos multimodais
Representation. Discourse. Identities.Abstract
This paper is located in the area of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), with the sociocognitive aspects and Semiotics Social values and deals with cultural / ideological contained in the representation of Brazilian women in advertisements published in Brazilian journals multimodal. It has been presumed that there is a difference between sex and gender and that female gender is a socially constructed, from political issues. The advertising discourse is public and institutionalized in order to foster the construction of identities on social roles. The results indicate that: 1) there are particular modes of textual construction of female Brazilian language and multimodal texts, because these values are entered in the social cognitions in order to guide people to relate to the world, representing it with specificity 2) the identity construction of Brazilian women ranges from the representation of females by male X female representation by women: patriarchy and matriarchy. It is concluded that the construction of social identity of women regularly in their textual and discursive constructions as there are a manifestation of a guy who moves in a given space of society and builds his speech taking into account the other. Therefore, the reading of the image and multimodal linguistic expressions in the texts enriches the production of meaning, because the images are presented as a semiotic lexical that provides incorporate the study of representations, both the culture and ideology.
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