Abstract: This research is based on the Sociossemiotica approach and is theoretically based on the Visual Design Grammar, Kress and Van Leeuwen (1996). It aims to investigate the pertinence of the interactions between words and images in the strips comics of Xaxado’s gang, created by Antônio Cedraz. The corpus contains themes related to the problems of the Brazilian Northeastern, specifically here dealt with the relation sertão-sertanejo-universe of work and coronelism. Such problems are closely related to power relations, social inequalities and ideological interests still persisting in this region. Methodologically, the research is limited to exposing the theoretical frameworks - communication tables, semiotic landscape and schematization of representational, interactional and compositional metafunctions - applying them to practice in order to favor the understanding, sensitization and notoriety of the amplification of the production of meanings established by these communicative semiotic resources. We examine, therefore, as results obtained the permissive transgressions and ruptures in these semioses through the dialogical relations through negotiations and agreements between these semiotic resources that refer to the comic, laughable and, finally, to the critic.
Keywords: Production of meanings; semiotic landscape; relation word-image.
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