Laughter and songs. Compère Général Soleil. Transtextuality. 20th century Haitian literatureAbstract
This article deals with the representation of laughter and songs, which appear as the identity trait of the being-Haitian in Jacques-Stéphen Alexis' novel Compère Général Soleil (1955).To this end, this work is constructed as a critical examination designed to analyze some extracts in this narrative that maintains relations of intertextuality with the definition of being-Haitian: "a people who sings and suffers, who pains and laughs, who sings incessantly ... "formulated by Jean Price-Mars in Ainsi parla l’oncle (1928). Critical examination of the said book, from the figuration of laughter and songs, is an opportunity to observe how the author traces a touchstone of his idea.
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