The Istanbul of Orham Pamuk: chronotope, dismemberment, memory, and identity


  • Ozíris Borges Filho
  • Sidney Barbosa


Topoanalysis. Chronotope. Memory. Identity. Orhan Pamuk. Istanbul.


This article aims to deal with the formal classification of “Istanbul”: memory and city where Orhan Pamuk comes from as a literary genre. Then this study reflects about the literary text in its generality - under the inspiration of theoretical reflection of Gaston Bachelard and Topoanalysis on the spatial representation of the work . Finally, it performs thorough analysis of the text based on Bakhtin´s theory of chronotope: to conclude that the work presents the junction of time and space (chronotope) in consideration of “Istanbul” remembered and told by the narrator. While using these literary devices the author does not intend to become the reader interested in empathy with the city portrayed, but to sign up in author´s own memories (memory) and in the construction of his own identity as a literary subject.


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How to Cite

The Istanbul of Orham Pamuk: chronotope, dismemberment, memory, and identity. (2016). Revista Cerrados, 24(40).

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