Uma leitura de fragmentos: as ruínas da história em Quatro-Olhos, de Renato Pompeu
Society. Fragmentation. Military Dictatorship. Quatro-olhos.Abstract
This paper focuses on the fragmentation in Renato Pompeu’s Quatro-olhos (1976). Of interest is the relationship between the fragmentation of the main character and the fragmentation of the narrative and the Brazilian context characterized by the impact of the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985). Departing from Benjamin’s premises, Pompeu’s book undertakes to desacralize the concept of history gronded on positivist principles and linear, causal logic, incorporating contradictions and indeterminacies in its structure and proposing a representation of history as a succession of ruins and disasters. Thus, the links between literature and society are possible both in thematic and formal issues.
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