A mensagem de Clarice Lispector

Tradução, léxico, simbolismos e suas interfaces com a psicologia analítica junguiana





The main objective of this paper is to describe the use of the lexicon with high keyness in Clarice Lispector's short story, A Mensagem, and in its respective translation into English, performed by Giovanni Pontiero, under the title The Message. The theoretical-methodological approach employed is based on concepts proposed by Corpus Linguistics and by Corpus-Based Translation Studies. With regard to the analytical instruments, we used Jungian psychology as well as the contributions of a dictionary of symbols, in order to establish a reading which considers the observation of the significant network constructed through lexicon. In the end, we also intended to present, in some excerpts, the transformations undergone by the lexical set with regard to its use in the target text.


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Author Biography

  • Talita Serpa, Ibilce/ Unesp

    Pós-doutoranda no programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos da Universidade Estadual Paulista. Bolsista PNPD/Capes com projeto na área de Pedagogia da Tradução Baseada em Corpus. 



How to Cite

A mensagem de Clarice Lispector: Tradução, léxico, simbolismos e suas interfaces com a psicologia analítica junguiana. (2021). caleidoscópio: Literatura E tradução, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.26512/caleidoscopio.v4i2.29839