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Author Guidelines

General Orientations:

  1. The journal caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução accepts submissions in the four languages covered by the journal: Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.
  2. At the submission, authors must provide the ORCID number in the metadata. If they do not have it, they must register at to obtain the identification number.
  3. The works submitted must NOT contain any type of identification or personal information. This requirement guarantees a well distributed evaluation by the evaluation committee regarding each submission. Personal information and identification related to the author, such as name, e-mail address, institution of origin, academic resume and others, are to be written on a separate document and directed to the platform in stage 4 of the submission process which is entitled: ‘TRANSFERENCE OF SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS”. Documents containing identified authorship will not be accepted.
  4. The journal caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução is not responsible for errors of orthographical, syntactic and/or grammatical character found in submitted works. The revision of the works is a responsibility entirely attributed to the authors. However, works that contain an excessive amount of orthographical, syntactic and/or grammatical errors will not be accepted.
  5. The pages of the work presented must not be listed.
  6. The works must mandatorily be submitted in .doc or .docx file formats of Word, and they must contain margins that attend to the following formatting: superior: 2,5 cm; left: 3 cm; inferior: 2,5 cm; right: 3 cm.
  7. The letters of the footnote must be of Cambria font, size 10, having simple spacing and justified alignment. The remissions related to the footnotes must be listed on the text above.
  8. If the work is not in accordance with the norms cited in these orientations, the journal is in the right to deny the submission.


Specific Orientations

  1. In the ARTICLES and TRANSLATED ARTICLES sections: works written in a foreign language to Portuguese must present both title and abstract translated to one of the languages covered by the journal (Portuguese, Spanish, French and English).
  2. IMAGE: authors must include a subtitle containing title and copyright credits under the image. The subtitle must be written in Cambria font, size 10, and it must be aligned with the center of the image.
  3. CHART: the chart’s text must be configured in Cambria font, size 10, with simple spacing between lines. The chart must contain a subtitle and a title that are capable of synthesizing the content presented. The subtitle must be set under the chart, to the right side of the margin, while the title must be set to the left side of the margin.
  4. ATTACHMENTS: the attachments must be listed. The title ‘attachment’ must be in Cambria font, size 10.



- Title of the art (aligned to the left side of the margin)

- Indication, if possible, of the date of fulfillment of the art

Text formatting of the art:

a) Cambria font, size 12

b) Justified text (except the titles)

c) 1,5 spacing between lines and paragraphs, and 0 pt. spacing before and after.

Observation: if the proposition requires another presentation, other types of formatting will be evaluated.



The article must have a minimum extension of ten (10) pages and a maximum extension of twenty-five (25) pages. Elements such as bibliographical references, footnotes, abstracts, graphs and illustrations must be included within this limit. The article must present the following information in accordance to this established order:

a) The title of the article in the language in which it was originally written (Portuguese, English, Spanish or French) in bold capital letters, to the left side of the margin.

b)  The author must provide an abstract in the language in which the article was written, with a maximum extension of 10 lines. The title ‘abstract’ must be set to the left side of the margin, written in bold capital letters and followed by colon.

c) Keywords: five words in the language of the article, separated by comma and aligned to the left side of the margin.

d) The title of the article in foreign language must be written in bold capital letters and aligned to the left side of the margin.

e) The title ‘abstract’ must be set to the left side of the margin, written in bold capital letters and followed by colon.

f) Keywords in foreign language: five words separated by comma and aligned to the left side of the margin.

g) Direct quotations with more than 3 lines must be presented in size 10 with an margin indentation of 4 cm and with the respective reference (numerical system or author/date). If the quotations are in a foreign language, they must be in italic and accompanied by a translation to the language of the article in the footnote of the page.

h) Introduction

i) Body text

j) Conclusion/Final Considerations

k) Bibliographical References

Text formatting of the article:

a) Page size: A4

b) Cambria font, size 12

c) 1,5 spacing between lines and paragraphs and spacing of 0 pt. before and after

d) Justified text

e) The paragraphs must have a 1,25 cm indent

f) The bibliographical indications in the body of the text must be restricted to author’s last name, date of publishing and page, when necessary

Ex.: (BENJAMIN, 1987, p. 99)

g) The references must be elaborated according to the NBR 6023.  Only works properly mentioned in the article must compose the references.

Here is a simple guide for the elaboration of references:

- Books:

LAST NAME, First name. Bold title. Place of publication: publishing company, year of publication, number of pages of the book.

Ex.: BENJAMIN, Walter. Obras Escolhidas I. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1987, 271 p.

- Book chapters:

LAST NAME, First name. Title of the chapter (no highlight). In: Bold title of the book. Place of publication: publishing company, date, pages of the chapter.

Ex.: BENJAMIN, Walter. O narrador. In: Obras Escolhidas I. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1987, p. 197-221.

- Newspaper/journal articles:

LAST NAME, First name. Title of the article (no highlight). Title of the newspaper/journal in italics, volume and number of the newspaper/journal, place, month (abbreviated) and year of publication, total number of pages.

Ex.: OSEKI-DEPRE, Inês. Leitura finita de um texto infinito: Galáxias de Haroldo de Campos. ALEA, volume 13, número 1, Rio de Janeiro, jan-jun, 2011, 22 p.

- Academic essays:

LAST NAME, First name. Title of the essay in italic: subtitle (if there is one). Type of work: dissertation or Thesis (Master’s or Doctorate, with indication of field of work) – academic ties, place and date of presentation of the thesis, mentioned in the presentation paper (if there is one), number of pages of the thesis.

Ex: OLIVEIRA, Maria Claudete de Souza. Presenças de Orfeu. Tese (Doutorado em Letras – Literatura Brasileira) – FLCH – USP, São Paulo, 2006, 195 p.

- Digital documents:

AUTHOR(S). Denomination or Title: subtitle. Indications of responsibility. Date. Information on the description of the medium or the support.



The article must be translated to one of the four languages covered by the journal: Portuguese, English, Spanish or French. The article must have a minimum extension of ten (10) pages and a maximum extension of twenty-five (25) pages. Elements such as bibliographical references, footnotes, abstracts, graphs and illustrations must be included within this limit. The article must the following information in accordance to this established order:

a) The title of the translated article. The title must be written in bold capital letters, to the left side of the margin.

b) A translated abstract article with a maximum extension of 10 lines. The title ‘abstract’ must be set to the left side of the margin, written in bold capital letters and followed by colon. The spacing between lines is simple.

c) Translated keywords: five words in the language of the translation, separated by comma and aligned to the left side of the margin.

d) Translated introduction

i) Translated body text

j) Translated conclusion/final considerations

k) Bibliographical references of the original article

Text formatting of the translated article:

a) Page size: A4

b) Cambria font, size 12

c) 1,5 spacing between lines and paragraphs and spacing of 0 pt. before and after

d) Justified text

e) The paragraphs must have a 1,25 cm indent



The Dossier section receives submissions of arts, articles, translated articles, interviews, reviews, translation reviews and translations in the four languages covered by the journal's scope: Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. Papers submitted to the Dossier section must strictly follow their respective standards specified in the guidelines for authors. 



 - Interviewee’s biography

 - The dialogues between the interviewee and the interviewer must be identified by the indication of name initials of both written in bold and followed by colon.

 - Date of realization of the interview

Text formatting of the interview:

a) Cambria font, size 12

b) Justified text

c) 1,5 spacing between lines and paragraphs and spacing of 0 pt. before and after



The review must have an extension of 5 to 15 pages. The review must also contain the following information in accordance with the established order:

- Title of the reviewed work



 - Complete bibliographical reference of the reviewed work

Ex.: LAST NAME, First name. Bold title. Place of publication: publishing company, year of publication, number of pages of to the book.

 - Biography of the author the reviewed work (10 lines)

 - Review

Text formatting of the review:

a) Cambria font, size 12

b) Justified text

c) 1,5 spacing between lines and paragraphs and spacing of 0 pt. before and after



The translation review must have an extension of 5 to 15 pages. The translation review must also contain the following information in accordance with the established order:

- Title of the reviewed translation


                          BY ‘NAME OF THE AUTHOR’

- Complete bibliographical reference of the reviewed translation

- Biography of the author the original work (10 lines)

- Review of the translated work

Text formatting of the translation review:

a) Cambria font, size 12

b) Justified text

c) 1,5 spacing between lines and paragraphs and spacing of 0 pt. before and after



The translation must contain a maximum of ten pages (each page containing 1250 characters with spaces). The original text must be included in the same document after the translation. The translation must also include an analysis of the procedures applied in the translation, which complement the project of translation. The complete document (translation+original text+project of translation) must not exceed the maximum limit of thirty (30) pages. The translation must contain the following information in accordance with the established order:

- Title of the translation, aligned with the left side of the page, complemented by a footnote that specifies the fragment of the work selected to be translated, be it a whole chapter or a fragment of specific pages.




- Translation of the work

- Title of the original work, aligned with the left side of the margin, complemented by a footnote that specifies the fragment of the work selected to be translated, be it a whole chapter or a fragment of specific pages.

- Authorship of the original work, aligned with the left side of the margin

- Original text

- Biography of the original author (10 lines)

- Abstract of the original work (10 lines)

- Presentation of the translation project, exposing the procedures applied in the translation

- Complete bibliographical reference of the original work with indication of the select fragment

Text formatting of the translation:

a) Cambria font, size 12

b) Justified text

c) 1,5 spacing between lines and paragraphs and spacing of 0 pt. before and after

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • a. The contribution must be original and unedited, and it must not be subjected to evaluation from any other journal. If such is the case, a justification must be provided in the ‘Editor Commentary’ section.
  • b. The submission must follow all the orientations of the section directed to authors.
  • c. In Microsoft Office documents, the identification of the author must be removed from the file properties (in File > Properties) by initially clicking on the Files button in the Main Menu and then attending to the following sequence: File > Save as… > Tools (or Options in Mac devices) > Safety options… > Remove personal information from file when saving > OK > Save.
  • d. The submission file format must be either .doc or .docx


The journal caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução receives unpublished submissions of poems, tales, self-translations, images, photographs and all illustrations that are somehow related to the journal's scope. The submitted material must be unpublished.


A revista caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução recebe submissões de artigos inéditos, com autoria declarada, que discutam ideias, métodos, procedimentos e resultados em relação à tradução nas áreas de conhecimento cobertos pela revista. Recebem-se artigos em português, francês, inglês e espanhol.  Podem submeter alunos de graduação, mestrado e doutorado desde que acompanhados de um doutor.


The journal caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução receives unpublished submissions of translations of articles. 


In special situations, lecturers and researchers (experienced in the areas encompassed by the journal) are invited to organize a dossier to compose the regular edition of the journal caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução. The Dossier organizer assumes the initial responsibility of evaluating the submissions accomplished. The second evaluator is designated by the editor-in-chief of the journal, which invites editorial or ad hoc staff members who have their lines of research and their productions aligned with the proposed theme. The documents are undergo blind evaluation in this section. Papers must conform to the focus and scope of the journal, and constitute a special content of the regular edition. The dossiers contribute to the growth of the journal and foster valuable discussions at national and international levels, as well as enhancing the interdisciplinary character of translation. Authors should pay attention to the deadlines for submitting papers published in calls for publication on our website and social network.


The journal caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução receives unpublished submissions of interviews that publicize a personality or a less publicly known person whose work remits to the journal’s scope.


The journal caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução receives unpublished submissions of reviews on relevant works within the last five years that are related to the thematics related to the journal’s scope. Reviews of film adaptations, pictorial works, photographs and others related to translation are also welcome.


The Reviews of Translations section receives unpublished reviews with critical comments on translated works of different language pairs. 


The journal caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução receives, for its various numbers, non-published translations. The translations will be the result of the pairing of both major and minor languages or, in other words, both the languages that have a great visibility and the languages that do not.

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Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.