Fulgentius without the letter C Translation of book III of the lipogram de AETATIBUS MUNDI ET HOMINIS
Tower of Babel. Fulgentius. Late Antiquity. Lipogrammatic translation. Constrained Writing.Abstract
This work discusses the translation process of the third book (lacking C) of the lipogram De aetatibus mundi et hominis, attributed to the late-ancient and North African writer Fabius Planciades Fulgentius (V - VI century), known by the epithet of the Mythographer, from the edition fixed by Rudolf Helm (1898). In this section, Fulgentius addresses the narrative of the Tower of Babel myth, adopted as an explanation for the origin of linguistic diversity. Interestingly, the Mitograph avoids the use of lexical units containing the letter 'c', which is being cultivated in the proposed translation. Thus, the present translation is also relevant because it denounces the very antiquity of the lipogrammatic genre, which acquired significant diffusion in Concretism, already located in the twentieth century.
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