Contemporary literary production in Spain: Caleidoscópio de sensações, by Elvira Cámara Aguilera ”“ an annotated and commented translation
Literary translation. Spanish Literature. Spanish language. Theory of Translation. Comparative Literature.Abstract
This text of the edition for the Brazilian public, also that opened, a new alternative of reading, for presentation - for a new author. Emphasizing the contemporary Spanish literary production, we focused on the recent work of the university teacher and writer Elvira Cámara Aguilera (Higuera de Calatrava, Jaén, 1968). For that, we translate Brazilian Portuguese from their reports, in the practice of compilation Memorias de una noche y otros relatos (2015). With this initiative, our goal is not only to make the author and her work known, but also to provoke the Brazilian reader, and dialogues relevant to the enrichment of the two literary systems in question, in the best sense of the word, so that it seeks to meet new authors and, from the literature, be able to establish bridges and dialogues relevant to the enrichment of the two literary systems in question. In addition, we are interested in disseminating a work which, owing to geographical distance and language barriers, is not yet known in Brazil. The research that the translation process carried out, was based on of authors as Berman (2004), Carvalhal (2003), Mittmann (2003), Nord (1994) and Vidal Claramonte (2008). All these authors recognize to a greater or lesser extent the active and decisive role of literary translators and evaluate the translation process as constitutive in the recognition of dissimilarities between peoples and cultures. According to them, we highlight the use of different methodologies to achieve the same purpose: in a given case, faced with the impossibility of finding a perfect equivalent, we opted for a solution that implied semantic loss. In another case, we chose to clarify the differences by means of endnotes, making them explicit.
BERMAN, Antoine. A prova do estrangeiro: cultura e tradução na Alemanha romântica. Bauru: EDUSC, 2002.
CÁMARA AGUILERA, Elvira. Memorias de una noche y otros relatos. Madrid: Lastura, 2015.
CARVALHAL, Tania Franco. O próprio e o alheio. São Leopoldo, Ed. Unisinos, 2003.
MITTMANN, Solange. Notas do tradutor e processo tradutório. Porto Alegre: Ed. UFRGS, 2003.
NORD, Christiane. Traduciendo funciones. In: HURTADO ALBIR, Amparo. (ed.). Estudios sobre la traducción. Castelló: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, 1994. p. 97-112.
VIDAL CLARAMONTE, María del Carmen África. Traducir en el siglo XXI: nuevos retos. In: GÓMEZ MONTERO, Javier. (ed.). Nuevas pautas de traducción literaria. Madrid: Visor Libros, 2008. p. 75-86.
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