Translation Teaching: Profiles and Pedagogical Approaches of Brazilian and Canadian Teachers
Translation Teaching. Translation Pedagogy. Translator Trainer. Comparative Analysis Brazil-Canada. Exploratory Research.Abstract
This article aims at showing the results of the third phase of a qualitative-descriptive and exploratory research on pedagogical approaches adopted by translation practice teachers in Canada, in comparison to data collected in Brazil. Firstly, beginning in 2012, and using unstructured questionnaires, the proposal identified the academic profile of 13 Brazilian translation teachers and their pedagogical approaches. In 2017, as a way of continuing the research, and taking into account that teachers modify or stabilize their practices over the years, the second phase of the study adopted a qualitative-longitudinal research proposal (FLORES, 2003), with the objective of identifying, with the same group of Brazilian teachers, the modifications they may have incorporated in their classrooms after five years. Participants were invited to (re)evaluate the questionnaires answered in 2012 and to describe possible changes undergone in their teaching approaches. They were also invited to answer what content they find easy or difficult to teach in translation practice classes. The third and last phase of the investigation aimed at describing the pedagogical approaches adopted by translation teachers in Canada comparing them with those adopted by Brazilian teachers. Through the results from questionnaire application, interview and classroom observations, the hypothesis that the performance magistrale, which makes the solutions of translation problems that arise in texts worked in the class dependent on the authorized version of the teacher, and, at the same time, limiting the student's learning process to listening and taking notes, was confirmed for both contexts.
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