The interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language/Portuguese as a specific infamous intellectual
Libras/Portuguese interpreter, Deaf people, Specific intellectual, InfamousAbstract
This paper aims the discussion applied on this work is about Brazilian Sign Language (Libras)/Portuguese interpreters, professionals who have become necessary for the inclusion of the deaf person. Their work, therefore, become important in a way that theoretical knowledge emerges over these professionals. Methodologically, the narrative research is used in order to understand these individuals’ subjetivation processes and to create tools to ponder on their performance using as theoretical basis, based on Foucault, the notions of specific intellectual and infamous. The narratives are analyzed as mechanisms by which experiences and infamous attitudes are produced. As a result, it was possible to realize that each person in determined moment of his/her history/life was/is a specific intellectual when problematizes his/her own function, in order to produce other attitudes in the praxis of interpretation work on deaf people’s education.
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