The Translation of Sacred Texts to Sign Language

the Ten Commandments Permeated by Different Discursive Voices


  • Arlene Batista da Silva Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo
  • Eliana Firmino Burgarelli Ribeiro Universidade Federal do Espírito



Sign Language, Sacred Texts, The Ten Commandments.


: This”‹ study aims at investigating the translation of sacred texts to the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) in view of the utilization of these materials in the training of Sign Language translators and interpreters in and out of religious institutions. To that end, we rely on the theoretical contributions of Bakthin (1992, 2003), Sobral (2008), Gohn (2001), Jonnings (2003), among others in order to to know how the divine discourse is produced and the contextual elements which interfere in the production of these cultural objects. In the development of this study, a bibliographical-documental research was carried out, extracting, as the object of analysis, two videos translated to Sign Language by two distinct religious instituions based on the biblical text Exodus 20: 1-17, which talks about the "Ten Commandments". The results revealed that the work of translators and their translation choices are directly influenced by the religious institutions and their discourses, by the control devices and the social locations/positions which these subjects occupy inside these institutions.



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How to Cite

The Translation of Sacred Texts to Sign Language: the Ten Commandments Permeated by Different Discursive Voices. Belas Infiéis, Brasília, Brasil, v. 8, n. 1, p. 15–35, 2019. DOI: 10.26512/belasinfieis.v8.n1.2019.13012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.

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