Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The contribution is original, previously unpublished and not under consideration for publication by any other journal; if not, provide justification in “Comments for the Editor”.
- I hereby declare that I am the author, licensee or that I have been granted express written authorization by the rightsholder to reproduce the images found in the manuscript I am submitting for publication in Belas Infiéis journal, ISSN 2316-6614, submitted through the UnB Portal de Periódicos. Where prior permission has not been obtained to reproduce the work of third parties, according to Brazilian law (Articles 24, 29 and 46 of the Lei brasileira de Direito Autorais), full responsibility for any copyright violation is assumed by the declarant.
- In order to ensure blind peer review, the authors must remove any identifying tags in the MS Word file properties before submission, according to instructions available (peer review).
- The text follows the style and bibliographic standards described in the Author Guidelines.
- The contribution follows the Author's Guidelines and the Ethical guidelines and policies against plagiarism.
A seção ARTIGOS aceita textos originais e inéditos de interesse para os Estudos da Tradução, em língua portuguesa, inglesa, francesa e espanhola.
Verificar as Diretrizes para Autores para maiores informações.
Artigos Traduzidos
- A extensão dos artigos traduzidos pode variar em função do tamanho do original, não ultrapassando o limite máximo 15 mil palavras. Para mais esclarecimentos, entrar em contato pelo e-mail
- Os autores devem disponibilizar o texto original como arquivo suplementar ou informar em nota de rodapé o link e/ou as referências da publicação original.
- Os autores devem enviar como arquivo suplementar a autorização do autor e/ou do periódico em que o artigo foi publicado originalmente. Essa autorização deve ser informada em nota de fim no artigo traduzido.
Traduções literárias
- A seção TRADUÇÕES LITERÁRIAS aceita traduções inéditas de textos literários em língua inglesa, francesa, espanhola e italiana, para as demais línguas deve-se contatar a equipe editorial da revista pelo e-mail
A seção RESENHAS publicará textos inéditos com comentários críticos sobre obras relevantes na área dos Estudos da publicadas nos últimos cinco anos.
Extensão mínima e máxima: entre três e cinco mil palavras (3.000 a 5.000 palavras).
Resenhas de Tradução
A seção RESENHAS DE TRADUÇÃO publicará textos inéditos com comentários críticos sobre obras traduzidas. Extensão mínima e máxima: entre três e cinco mil palavras (3.000 a 5.000 palavras).
Copyright Notice
Copyright Statement
Given the public access to this journal, the texts are free to use but requires the recognition of the original authorship and initial publication in this journal to be properly stated.
The journal allows the use of works published for non-commercial purposes, including the right to submit the work to publicly accessible databases. Published contributions are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the author(s).
- When submitting papers to be evaluated by the Belas Infiéis journal, the author(s):
- Declare that the contents of the contributions are original and of their original creation, being entirely responsible for their content if there is an objection by third parties.
- Claim to be aware that they should not commit academic plagiarism.
- Declare that the manuscript has not been published, completely or partially, in Portuguese or another language. If it is a translation it should be submitted to the Translated Articles section.
- Declare that the manuscript is not being evaluated by other journals.
- Declare that the manuscript was not submitted to another journal simultaneously.
- Commit(s) to inform the journal of any kind of error or inaccuracy in their contribution (published, in evaluation or in editing) and to collaborate with the editors to make due corrections of the article (when in evaluation or editing) or erratum/retraction (after publication).
- Declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the published work.
- Authorize its release if it is accepted for publication without any kind of monetary compensation.
- Agree to assign non-exclusive rights to publication to the magazine, remaining free to make their contribution available in other media as long as the publication of the first version in Belas Infiéis magazine is mentioned. They also authorize Belas Infiéis to assign their texts for reproduction in content indexers, virtual libraries and similar platforms.
- Maintain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, the work being licensed under theCreative Commons Attribution License.
- Is/Are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online after the editorial process, which may increase the impact and citation of the published work.
- Authorize the editorial team to make textual adjustments and to adapt the article to the publication rules, when necessary.
Privacy Statement
Privacy Policy
The names and addresses informed by the authors will be used solely for the services provided by this publication. The author must provide an e-mail to be available in the published text.