Ensaio bibliográfico - O que é um humano? Variações da noção de domesticação em Tim Ingold


  • Carlos Emanuel Sautchuk
  • Pedro Stoeckli


Ingold, domesticação, humanidade, animais não humanos


This article reviews the reflections about the relationship between humans and animals in the work of the British anthropologist Tim Ingold by focusing on the different uses of the concept of domestication. We analyze here the seven major works of the author that comprise four phases of his thought. Initially a tool used by Ingold to approach interspecific relationships between humans and the reindeer, domestication is reconsidered as a way of repositioning the relationship between humans and animals in terms of evolution. It is then reconsidered in the context of a critique of the industrial society, and, ultimately, it has its value as a concept dissipated by the idea of an omnipresent life.


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How to Cite

“Ensaio bibliográfico - O Que é Um Humano? Variações Da noção De domesticação Em Tim Ingold”. 2018. Anuário Antropológico 37 (2): 227-46. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/anuarioantropologico/article/view/7250.