Outra espécie de companhia

Intersubjetividade entre primatólogos e primatas


  • Guilherme Sá


Intersubjetividade, primatólogos, humanos e não humanos, antropologia da ciência


This article addresses a very specific phenomenon of the relationship between animals and ethologists: intersubjectivity. The stories presented here are derived from a specifictype of literature produced by primatologists that exposes the relationship between primatologists, during their fieldwork, and its objectssubjects primates. Exploring the concept of intersubjectivity between different species (human and non-human) is intended to draw attention to elements of affection, transformation and inadequacy that make up these stories.


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How to Cite

“Outra espécie De Companhia: Intersubjetividade Entre primatólogos E Primatas”. 2018. Anuário Antropológico 37 (2): 77-110. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/anuarioantropologico/article/view/7231.