O funeral do caçador
caça e perigo na Amazônia
Awá-Guajá, caça, queixada, ha’aera, pãnéƒmũhũmAbstract
The following article discusses the parallels that exist between hunting, war and health among a small group of hunters, the Awá-Guajá, currently residing in the state of Maranhão (Brazil). Based on an episode that occurred in 2008 in their village of Juriti ”“ revealing important aspects of the current discussion ”“ hunting and its warrior implications will be explored from the etiology of disease, namely, through the notions of ha’aera and pãnéƒmũhũm, elements governing a large part of the relationship between hunters and their prey. Thus, I present a scenario whereby hunters suffer a moral aggression, and discuss a particular symptomatology, which is only understood when we embrace Awá-Guajá conceptions of human personhood, relating these with their views of the natural world, and zoological prey in particular. I argue that the physical and moral aggression of animals directed at human life is central to understanding of what constitutes “Awá-Guajá hunting”.
Comprehending the origin of such attacks (which lead to fortune and misfortune, health and disease) comprises an important part of their body of knowledge governing the relationship between humans and animals.
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