



PPGAS 50 Years, Decolonization, Trajano's Reply


The comments my article received inspire a response that focuses on both the convergences and divergences between my colleagues’ readings and my own. The broader convergence has to do with the timing of my critique of decolonization. For Macagno, such opportunity is basically due to the overall context of Brazilian Social Sciences, in which decolonization’s conceptual package has gained an unusual (and I would say, uncritical) popularity. According to him, such package comes with a way of thinking that turns its back to anthropological knowledge. The opportunity thus has to do with the contradiction between the academic success of a not very anthropological way of thinking and the rise of a kind of anthropology that increasingly turns its eyes beyond Brazil, that is, to spaces that were until recently either part of the colonial world or direct heirs of it. Given this context, I can conclude that without a deeply critical look at the decolonization package itself, any anthropological endeavor to go beyond our borders would be a suicidal initiative, an anthropology of self-denial.


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Author Biography

  • Wilson Trajano Filho, Universidade de Brasília

    Wilson Trajano Filho é professor titular do Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade de Brasília. Foi professor visitante da Universidade de Cabo Verde, da Universidade de Lisboa e da Sciences Po/Bordeaux bem como pesquisador do Instituto Max Planck for Social Anthropology. No Brasil, é um dos pioneiros no estudo antropológico da África.


Knörr, Jacqueline. 2022a. “Interactions between decolonization and creolization: Towards an anthropological turn in decolonization studies”. Visiting Professor’s Lectures ENS, Part 1 (2 April 2022). Department of Social Sciences and Centre Maurice Halbwachs (CMH), École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris.

Knörr, Jacqueline. 2022b “From West Africa to Indonesia, between creolisation and decolonisation: a personal and intellectual encounter”. Visiting Professor’s Lectures ENS2022, Part 2 (20 May 2022). Department of Social Sciences and Centre Maurice Halbwachs (CMH), École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris.

Knörr, Jacqueline. 2022c. “Towards decolonizing concepts of decolonization (by means of concepts of creolization)”. Conference Out of Control? How Concepts and Practices Circulate across Boundaries. Käte Hamburger Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research (KHK/GCR21) and Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), University of Duisburg-Essen.

Trajano Filho, Wilson. 2011. “Dilemas, projetos e questões: reflexões quase musicais de um antropólogo convertido”. In As Ciências Sociais no Mundo Contemporâneo: Revisões e prospecções, edited by G. L. Ribeiro, A. M. Fernandes, C. B. Martins, and W. Trajano Filho, 289-300. Brasília: Letras Livres.

Trajano Filho, Wilson. 2018. “Influence and Borrowing: Reflections on Decreolization and Pidginization of Cultures and Societies”. In Creolization and Pidginization in Contexts of Postcolonial Diversity: Language, Culture, Identity, edited by J. Knörr, and W. Trajano Filho, 334-59. Leiden: Brill.



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