A Inclusão e suas práticas

aspectos socioantropológicos da produção de materiais pedagógicos inclusivos para Surdos


  • Victor Mourão UFV
  • Ana Luisa Borba Gediel
  • Isabela Martins Miranda




políticas públicas, ensino superior, inclusão social, pessoas Surdas


The trajectory of Brazilian public policies in the last decades promoted new arrangements in educational institutions which had at its objectives the effective inclusion of people with disabilities. This article aims to describe the experience of developing didatic materials for the inclusion of a Deaf person in a higher education institution. We are interested in reflecting on the reflexivity and conflicts involving distinct points of view of the professionals from different areas of knowledge surrounding the process of elaboration of those materials and the institutional actions that conformed this conjecture. We accessed the agents involved through the methodology of networks and we point out the main guiding and transforming elements of this process. We understand that public policies are extremely important in order to generate opportunities for social change and we observe the complexity in delimiting and implementing actions to meet current social heterogeneity, and that the transformations which it provoked went beyond their explicit destinataries.


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How to Cite

“A Inclusão E Suas práticas: Aspectos socioantropológicos Da produção De Materiais pedagógicos Inclusivos Para Surdos”. 2019. Anuário Antropológico 44 (1). https://doi.org/10.4000/aa.3501.