Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
The article must be up to 8,000 words, including notes, excluding bibliography. It should be accompanied by: a) summary; b) title; and c) up to five keywords – in the original language and in English.
The lecture should be no longer than 9,000 words, excluding bibliography. It should launch new ideas, point to creative and unsuspected paths, problematize and denaturalize issues, involve and provoke the audience. It may have a slightly more informal tone.
Bibliographic Essay
The bibliographical essay should have up to 5,000 words, including notes, excluding bibliography. It must contain the complete reference of the book or books commented on. It must be accompanied by: a) an abstract; b) a title; and c) up to five keywords - all in the original language and in English.
Visual Essay
The visual essay should comprise 6 to 18 images. It should combine text and images related to research, teaching, or social work experiences. The images can be photos, drawings, illustrations, collages or paintings, for example. Authorization for the use of the images is required. The essay must contain the introduction text (up to 3,000 cce), subtitles (up to 400 cce/each) and image credits (authorship, place and year of production). The presentation text must explain the context and the technical and methodological process used to produce the essay. The images must be sent in .jpg, .gif or .png format, with 1.2M and 300dpi, sequentially named according to the order of exposure as follows: last_name_author_01 etc. The author should also send a proposal for the layout of the essay presentation.
A review of a recent book or film should be no longer than 1,500 words, excluding bibliography. It must contain the complete reference of the book or film reviewed. The book or film must be recent, up to three years from publication (domestic) and up to five years (international). The review should not be titled or contain notes. Bibliographical references should be kept to a minimum and come at the end. In addition to presenting the work, the review should also include a critical point of view.
The interview should be up to 9,000 words, excluding bibliography. It should be unpublished, highlighting important debates in contemporary anthropology, and have a clear thread running through it, for example, the interviewee's current research topic, the relationship between biography and career in anthropology, the launch of her new book, innovations in the teaching of anthropology, the maturation of a concept, etc.
Scientific dissemination manuscript
Scientific dissemination manuscripts should target the general public, educators, public policy managers, etc. They must be written in accessible language, be of interest to a broad audience, have social and political impact, and spark cognitive curiosity. They should be up to 1,500 words long and preferably include up to 3 properly identified images, with authorization for publication.
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Privacy Statement
The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used solely for the services provided by this publication and are neither available for other purposes nor shared with third parties.