About the Journal
Anuário Antropológico (AA) is a journal of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the University of Brasília (PPGAS/UnB). It publishes original articles, conferences, interviews, visual and bibliographic essays, book and film reviews, and other academic texts that present quality empirical research, relevant theoretical dialogues, and diverse analytical perspectives. The journal accepts texts in Portuguese, English, Spanish, or French. Contributions are evaluated by the Editorial Committee (regarding their appropriateness to the profile and editorial line of the journal) and by external ad hoc reviewers (concerning the content and quality of the contributions). The journal operates under an open science and continuous publication model and is guided by the IDEIA principles: impact, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.
Year of Creation: 1976
Thematic Coverage: Anthropology, Anthropological Theory
Printed ISSN: 0102-4302
Digital ISSN: 2357-738X
Current Issue
Volume 49, número 2