Domestic workers, mobilizations and social media during the Covid-19 pandemic
Trade union., Social movement., Domestic workers., Social media., Pandemic.Abstract
The Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil, as well as the social isolation policy that sought to reduce the effects of the health crisis, were not experienced in the same way
by workers. Domestic service was among the occupations most exposed to contamination risks. In this sense, the objective of the article is to analyze the
mobilizations through social media implemented or supported, in the year 2020, by the National Federation of Domestic Workers. This occurred in association with
classist, feminist and black social movements, such as the campaign “Take care of
those who care for you” and the “Manifesto of the daughters and sons of housemaids and housecleaners”. To this end, the research examines data on the impacts of the pandemic for this professional category and monitors the creation and effectiveness of these campaigns on digital platforms. Therefore, it becomes possible to articulate analyzes of collective actions, digital actions, social movements and labor movements.
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