Transliteracies: The Third Information Wave in Digital Humanities
informational waves. media and information literacy. trans literacy. web content production. continuous connectivity.Abstract
Based upon the concept of informational waves developed by Brasilina Passarelli to represent different historical moments related to Internet access, appropriation, interactive content production due to media and information literacy development, participation, sharing of information until nowadays continuous connectivity to trans literacy, this article objective is to build a theoretical approach to information waves in relation to other specialists on the issue. Passarelli (2010) proposed, initially, two informational waves at the network society: the very first one based on providing access to the Internet to avoid digital divide; the second one relying on media and information literacy (MIL) to produce multimedia Web knowledge. Nowadays we live the convergence of IoT, big data and AI and due to this contemporaneous scenario emerges the “third informational wave” with the concept of trans literacy considering interactions among humans and non- humans, developing a rebirth of sociabilities and causing a disruption on the network limits so far spreading itself throughout all social life spheres.
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