A Bakhtinian look at the vocal construction of people with gender diversity
Voice, Speech, Transgender, Bakhtin, SocialAbstract
The voice is multifaceted, encompassing its phonic materiality and the speaker's subjectivity. It is unique to each individual and serves as an index of presence in enunciation. For transgender people, the voice is a notable characteristic of transitioning gender and a frequent complaint in speech therapy clinics. Although there is a gap in voice studies within linguistics, philosophy, and other fields, there are connections between voice and language. This work reflects on the transgender voice as a tool of identification, using Bakhtin and the Circle, focusing on the social relations in this population's discourse. Intonation, social voices, alterity, and the grotesque body will be addressed, with clinical vignettes for theoretical analysis of the effects of voice on gender identity, aligning with Bakhtinian theories and highlighting the voice in the constitution of the speaking subject.
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