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Author Guidelines

Voz e Cena (Voice and Scene) journal publishes, exclusively, unpublished texts resulted from research, studies, debates, artistic and scientific practices in the area of Performing Arts and associated fields - related to sounds and visualities in aesthetic and pedagogical processes. Voz e Cena journal is published regularly every six months and receives manuscripts in continuous flow.

(1) Primarily unpublished texts are published in Portuguese or Spanish. The editorial board can invite Portuguese-speaking and Spanish-speaking authors to send the respective English versions to the bilingual publication. The journal also accepts originals in English, French and Italian from foreign authors that will be published in their vernacular language.

(2) The texts to be published must be in the format of Articles, Translations, Interviews, Reviews, Reports or Audiovisual Records, considering theoretical aspects related to the research and presenting a unique and important contribution to the area. Authors are entirely responsible for the form and content of their texts.

(2.1) The texts must be sent only through the SEER system (, in which the authors' data must be inserted only in the system form, including the electronic address and its biography of up to three lines, emphasizing the institutional link - affiliation, including full name of the linked institution, acronym, city, state and country - and academic and artistic backgrounds - as specified in item (5).

(3) It is recommended that texts referring to performances, spectacles or similar, present images and / or videos that must come in the body of the text, subtitled below the insertion, in simple, centralized space. The authors declare that they have the rights to display the inserted images.

(4) Texts that make up thematic sections organized by a guest or spontaneous researcher must be inserted into the system by the author himself and undergo the same peer review process.

(5) Authors must register on the journal's website, mandatorily informing the ORCID ( and the link to the Lattes curriculum ( or another scientific curriculum (only in the case of non-Brazilian citizens).

(5.1) The fields in the system must be filled following this example:

- Affiliation - just as this example:
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama - RCSSD, London, England.

- Biography:
Fill in with your CV up to 3 lines.      

- Homepage URL: fill in with the link to the Lattes CV, just as this example:
(to non-Brazilian authors without Lattes CV, please fill this field with a link to your online CV).                 

- ORCID iD - fill in with the link to the ORCID, just as this example:

- If you do not have ORCID, we provide a step-by-step guide for your creation through the link: .

- These data from all authors must also be sent to the e-mail right after submitting the text to the system.

(5.2) The research funding body, when appropriate, should be mentioned in the appropriate table.

(5.3) The file with the text must be free of any type of identification, either by the name of the authors typed in the body of the text or in the file properties, or by mentioning information through which the authorship can be deduced. If you have difficulty making the text anonymous, just mention it in the "comments to the editor" during the online submission process.

(5.4) The contents and the linguistic revision of the submitted texts are of the authors' total and exclusive responsibility.

(5.5) The texts sent and published represent the expression of the point of view of their authors and not the official position of the Revista Voz e Cena or the Postgraduate Program in Performing Arts at UnB. The authors assume any and all ideological responsibility present in their texts, as well as assume responsibility for the content and veracity of the information contained in their works.

(6) The texts must be formatted in a Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF file as follows, using the template made available to the authors in the link Voice and Scene:

(6.1) margins of 3 cm (top and left), and 2 cm (right and bottom);
(6.2) Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing;
(6.3) citations with more than three lines must appear detached from the body of the text, in simple space, in size 10, without quotation marks and indented four cm from the left margin;
(6.4) margins justified with paragraphs at 1.25 cm from the left margin;
(6.5) double quotation marks are used only for direct quotations in the body of the text;
(6.6) Italics are used for foreign words, neologisms, for particular uses and titles of works. Bold is not used in these cases;
(6.7) underlining is used only for URL;
(6.8) the texts must be formatted on A4 paper and be between 20,000 and 60,000 characters (including spaces), with references, notes and tables. Sections that make flexible the number of characters of the texts will be presented below in the Specific Guidelines of the respective sections;
(6.9) the file must start with a cover page containing the title (with a maximum of 120 characters including spaces, Times New Roman font, size 12, single spacing as shown in the template file), abstract (between 400 and 700 characters including spaces, Times New Roman font, size 12) and five keywords in the author's vernacular language (separated by period); Then, respecting the same formatting, insert the English title, abstract and five keywords, in addition to the Spanish título, resumen and five palabras clave. All this information must be properly filled in the system's metadata at the submission;
(6.10) figures and tables should be inserted in the body of the text with the respective caption centered below them, and not at the end of the document in the form of attachments. The authors declare that they have the rights to publish the images inserted in the text.
(6.11) submitted files must not exceed 2MB. Sections that make flexible the size of uploaded files will be presented below in the Specific Guidelines of the respective sections;
(6.12) do not use the author's name in CAPITAL LETTERS in the body of the text, only in the References at the end of the work.
(6.13) footnotes: size 10, single spaced, justified.

(7) References must use the author / date system as follows:
(7.1) (Author's last name, year) for indirect citations and (Author's last name, year, page) for direct citations. Examples: (Smith, 1997) or (Smith, 1997, p. 452).
(7.2) Different titles by the same author and the same year must be identified with a letter that distinguishes them. Example: (Smith, 1997a, pp. 452-453).
(7.3) References with up to 3 authors are separated by a semicolon. Example: (Smith; Jones; Williams, 1997a, pp. 452-453).
(7.4) In the case of 4 or more authors, indicate the first author's last name followed by “et al.”. Example: (Smith et al., 1997a, pp. 452-453).

(8) References at the end of the work must comply with ABNT rules. Attention is drawn to the fact that the journal does not use (due to electronic data retrieval) underlines to replace the name of repeated authors. Italics are not used, but bold for titles.


AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First names without abbreviation. Book title: subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.

Book chapters:
AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First names without abbreviation. Chapter title: subtitle. In: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First names without abbreviation. Book title: subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Start and end pages.

AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First names without abbreviation. Article title: subtitle. Title of the Journal, Place of publication, Institution, volume number, issue number, initial and final pages of the article, month and year of publication.

Theses and dissertations:
AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First names without abbreviation. Title. Place: Graduate Program / University, year of publication. Dissertation (Master in Performing Arts) or Thesis (PhD in Performing Arts).

Electronic document:
AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First names without abbreviation. Title. Edition. Location: year. Page number or volume / series (if any). Available at: <http://xxxxxxxxx>. Accessed in: day, month (abbreviated), year.

(9) About the journal
(9.1) When sending the document, the authors accept the journal's rules and assign the publication rights of the work to Voz e Cena.
(9.2) The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest for the evaluation of the submitted manuscript or explain any conflicts in the "Comments to the editor" field.
(9.3) Regarding the interstice of publications and submissions:
(9.3.1) in the sections constituted by Articles, they declare that none of the authors of the submission in one of these sections has another Article under evaluation in this same journal and that they have fulfilled the 12-month gap between the last publication and this submission;
(9.3.2) for the other sections of this journal, this interstice does not exist, except in the cases that may be specified below in the Specific Guidelines of the respective sections;
(9.4) Declare that the submission of this text implies possible requests for evaluation of articles for this journal as an ad hoc reviewer.
(9.5) Voz e Cena accepts the submission of texts by masters, phd candidates and phds. Manuscripts written by undergraduates and master's students will be evaluated, provided they are co-authored with a phd professor.

(10) Voz e Cena journal follows the following rules:
(10.1) The texts will follow the rules of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT).
(10.2) Submission implies authorization for publication, with no remuneration for authors.
(10.3) When submitting a text, the authors assign the patrimonial and use rights of all its content to Voz e Cena journal, in case it is approved for publication.
(10.4) When submitting a text and in case of publication, the authors authorize the sending of the text to publicly accessible databases.
(10.5) The authors are aware that the editors of Voz e Cena journal will be able to use the CrossRef plagiarism verification system. In addition, the authors: are responsible for the content of their texts, as well as for the copyright of images, videos and any textual or complementary elements to their texts; agree to work for free in the peer review process for this journal in the future; declare that they have a significant contribution to the research disclosed in their texts, when applicable; undertake to offer retractions or corrections to eventual errors to the periodical; they must ensure that their text is original work and they must not submit the same text to more than one journal.
(10.6) The opinions expressed in the texts and their contents are the sole responsibility of the authors.
(10.7) Conflicts of interest may arise when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that, whether apparent or not, may influence the preparation or evaluation of texts. The conflict of interest may be of a personal, commercial, political, academic, financial or other nature.
(10.8) When authors submit a texts, they are responsible for recognizing and revealing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced their work. Authors must recognize in the textsall financial support for the work and other financial or personal connections in relation to the research. The rapporteur must disclose to the editors any conflicts of interest that could influence his opinion on the text and, when applicable, he must declare himself not qualified to review it. If the authors are not sure of what may constitute a potential conflict of interest, they should contact the editorial office of the journal.
(10.9) Any allegation of inappropriate research conduct will be investigated immediately.
(10.10) The journal is always ready to publish errata, regarding corrections, clarifications, right of reply, retractions and excuses when necessary.

(11) We strongly recommend that authors and authors consult our Previous Issues through the link: , in order to map and reference at least one article in the text to be submitted to Voz e Cena. We believe that this action - to encourage consultation and dissemination of previous texts published by Voz e Cena - streamlines and gives visibility to our online collection.
(11.1) Likewise, we recommend the mapping of articles from other national performing arts journals, especially from Thematic Dossiers related to the topic of the article.

(12) Specific guidelines for the section Audiovisual Records:
(12.1) This section is composed of audiovisual works and audiovisual records of artistic productions from teaching, research or extension projects coordinated by professors linked to undergraduate or graduate courses in the area of Performing Arts. The publication must contain a synopsis and technical sheet of the work, reference work, year of production, funding, data on the teaching, research or extension project, course and University, link to the work hosted on a free access platform or drive. The publication may also contain dramaturgy, script, storyboard, lyrics, images or other materials referring to the work in question.
(12.2) Audiovisual Records that have affinity with the scope of the Journal and/or the Thematic Dossiers will be evaluated.
(12.3) It is recommended that the Audiovisual Record proposal is related to the proponent's Research and/or Teaching and/or Extension Project, as well as having the involvement of students at the undergraduate, scientific initiation, master's, doctoral and /or postdoctoral degrees.
(12.4) Please indicate in the file informations about the insertion (Local, Regional, National or International) of the work, as well as the circulation time, the number of performances, technical team and the presence of financial support for the execution of the aesthetic proposal.
(12.5) The file must be sent in PDF format and must not exceed 30MB in size.
(12.6) Links to social media, videos, photos, maps, script, sheet music, clipping and other publications must be active and public in the archive.
(12.7) texts must be formatted on A4 paper (portrait) and have neither a maximum nor a minimum character limit;
(12.8) After approval, the authors must include in the PDF the initial cover page of the publication, the final page containing the authors' data, as well as the proper pagination of the publication. These data will be indicated by the Assistant Editor in the final phase prior to publication.
(12.9) It is recommended to analyze the published version of the following Audiovisual Record as a template: .

(13) Specific guidelines for the section Thematic Dossiers - Articles :
(13.1) This section is composed of unpublished Articles, relevant to the thematic area of the journal and the aforementioned dossier, whose theme may be proposed by any member of the Editorial Team, Editorial Board and/or by interested researchers, with due justification for the proposal.
(13.2) The articles sent to the Thematic Dossiers will be evaluated, exclusively, by the Editorial Board of each Thematic Dossier, also by the double-blind system.
(13.3) In addition to the sections already present in Voz e Cena, the Thematic Dossiers will also have new sections exclusive to the dossiers, such as Debates and Dramaturgies.
(13.4) The Dramaturgies section receives texts whose central theme is linked to the Thematic Dossier, in which it will be published. The pertinence of its publication must be endorsed by the members of the Editorial Board of the Thematic Dossier to which it is linked, representing an important contribution to the research field in area. It must have an introductory part that places this work to the readers of Voz e Cena. And it must be an unpublished publication.
(13.5) The Editorial Board also assesses their pertinence for publication, linked to the Thematic Dossiers, in the other sections that make up the Voz e Cena, in addition to the Articles section and the exclusive Debates and Dramaturgies sections, such as the Translations, Interviews, Reviews, Reports or Audiovisual Records. Materials that bring contributions to the field of research presented in the Thematic Dossier will be evaluated.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • The authors guarantee that the text is an original and unpublished contribution of their authorship (possibly shared with the authors inserted in the system) and that it is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • To guarantee the blind evaluation and the confidentiality that it requires, the identification of the authorship of the text must be removed from all parts of the file, including the properties option in Word. Also check whether notes and mentions of institutions, groups or researches that may indirectly identify the authors of the text were removed.
  • URLs for referrals were provided when possible.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Voz e Cena (Voice and Scene) will publish on its website calls for papers with a view to composing thematic dossiers. The deadlines for sending the texts will be stipulated and, if necessary, may be extended.

The regular issues of Voz e Cena journal will be published in the months of June and December of each year.

Voz e Cena journal consists of the following sections:
I. Editorial / Presentation;
II. Expedient;
III. Articles;

Voz e Cena journal may also contain the following sections:
IV. Translations;
V. Interviews;
VI. Reviews;
VII. Reports;
VIII. Audiovisual records;

In addition to these sections, Voz e Cena journal may also, when appropriate:

I. Submit Erratum;
II. Insert new sections as needed;
III. Delete sections as needed;