tradução. cultura. sociologia da tradução. sociocrítica da tradução.Resumo
O estudo a seguir visa mostrar como a relação entre alteridade e diversidade cultural se manifesta em discussões que acompanham a evolução das práticas de tradução desde os anos 1950, ou seja, desde o ponto em que, de um lado, a tradução se tornou globalizada e, portanto, industrializada e, do outro, a crise das representações - surgida nas humanidades em consequência da independência e do pós-colonialismo - fez emergir um pouco depois aquilo que se passou a chamar de "guinada cultural" da tradução.
ANGENOT, M. Un état du discours social. Montréal-Longueuil: Editions Le Préambule, 1989.
APPIAH, K. A. Thick translation. In: VENITI (ed.). The translation studies reader. London: Routledge, 2004 [1993]. p. 389-401.
APTER, E. Translation zones. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005.
BACHMANN-MEDICK, D. Meanings of translation in cultural anthropology. In: HERMANS, T. (ed.). Translating others. v. 1. Manchester: St Jerome, 2006. p. 33-42.
BAKER, M. Translation and conflict: a narrative account. London: Routledge, 2006.
BANDIA, P. Translation as reparation, writing and translation in postcolonial Africa. Manchester: St. Jerome, 2008.
BASSNET, S.; LEFEVERE, A. Translation, history, culture. London: Pinter Publishers, 1990.
BASSNET, S.; LEFEVERE, A; TRIVEDI, H. (eds.). Postcolonial translation: theory and practice. London: Routledge, 1999.
BASTIN, G. Histal: Histoire de la traduction en Amérique Latine [online]. Université de Montréal. 2004. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 ago. 2010.
BRISSET, A. A sociocritique of translation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996.
BUZELIN, H. Unexpected allies: how Latour’s network theory could complement analyses in translation studies. The Translator. v. 11, n. 2, p. 193-218, 2005.
CALVET, L.-J.; OSEKI-DEPRE, I. Mondialisation et traduction: les rapports inverses entre centralité et diversité. 2002. Disponível em: < francophonie/archives_calvet/textes/conferences/ mondialisation_traduction.pdf>. Acesso em: 16 ago. 2010.
CASANOVA, P. La république mondiale des lettres. Paris: Seuil, 1999.
CHEUNG, M. An anthology of Chinese discourse on translation: from earliest times to the Buddhist project. v. 1. Manchester: St Jerome, 2008.
CHEYFITZ, E. The poetics of imperialism: translation and colonization from The Tempest to Tarzan. New York; London: Oxford University Press, 1991.
CLIFORD, J.; MARCUS, G. (eds.). Writing culture: the poetics and politics of ethnography. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1986.
CROS, E. La sociocritique. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2003.
DERRIDA, J. Des tours de Babel. In: Graham, J. F. (ed.). Difference in translation. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1985. p. 165-248.
DINGWANEY, A.; MAIER, C. (eds.). Between languages and cultures: translation and cross-cultural contexts. Pittsburg, CA: Pittsburg University Press, 1995.
DUCHET, C. Pour une sociocritique. Littérature. n. 1, p. 5-14,1971.
EVANS-PRITCHARD, E. Nuer religion. Oxford: Clarendon, 1957.
EVEN-ZOHAR, I. The position of translated literature within the literary polysystem. In: HOLMES, J.; LAMBERT, J.; BROECK, R. Van Den (eds.). Literature and translation: new perspectives in literary studies. Louvain: Acco, 1978. p. 117-127.
FENTON, S. (ed.). For better or for worse: translation as a tool for change in the South Pacific. Manchester: St. Jerome. 2003.
GENTZLER, E.; TYMOCZKO, M. (eds.). Translation and resistance. Manchester: St. Jerome, 2008.
GIROUX, D. Facisme et magie en Amérique: lectures contemporaines de Nietzsche. Thesis (PhD) Université du Quebec, 2003.
GODARD, B. Theorizing feminist discourse/translation. In: BASSNET, S.; LEFEVERE, A. Translation, history, culture. London: Pinter Publishers, 1990. p. 87-96.
APPIAH, K. A. Thick translation. In: VENITI (ed.). The translation studies reader. London: Routledge, 2004 [1993]. p. 389-401.
APTER, E. Translation zones. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005.
BACHMANN-MEDICK, D. Meanings of translation in cultural anthropology. In: HERMANS, T. (ed.). Translating others. v. 1. Manchester: St Jerome, 2006. p. 33-42.
BAKER, M. Translation and conflict: a narrative account. London: Routledge, 2006.
BANDIA, P. Translation as reparation, writing and translation in postcolonial Africa. Manchester: St. Jerome, 2008.
BASSNET, S.; LEFEVERE, A. Translation, history, culture. London: Pinter Publishers, 1990.
BASSNET, S.; LEFEVERE, A; TRIVEDI, H. (eds.). Postcolonial translation: theory and practice. London: Routledge, 1999.
BASTIN, G. Histal: Histoire de la traduction en Amérique Latine [online]. Université de Montréal. 2004. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 ago. 2010.
BRISSET, A. A sociocritique of translation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996.
BUZELIN, H. Unexpected allies: how Latour’s network theory could complement analyses in translation studies. The Translator. v. 11, n. 2, p. 193-218, 2005.
CALVET, L.-J.; OSEKI-DEPRE, I. Mondialisation et traduction: les rapports inverses entre centralité et diversité. 2002. Disponível em: < francophonie/archives_calvet/textes/conferences/ mondialisation_traduction.pdf>. Acesso em: 16 ago. 2010.
CASANOVA, P. La république mondiale des lettres. Paris: Seuil, 1999.
CHEUNG, M. An anthology of Chinese discourse on translation: from earliest times to the Buddhist project. v. 1. Manchester: St Jerome, 2008.
CHEYFITZ, E. The poetics of imperialism: translation and colonization from The Tempest to Tarzan. New York; London: Oxford University Press, 1991.
CLIFORD, J.; MARCUS, G. (eds.). Writing culture: the poetics and politics of ethnography. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1986.
CROS, E. La sociocritique. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2003.
DERRIDA, J. Des tours de Babel. In: Graham, J. F. (ed.). Difference in translation. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1985. p. 165-248.
DINGWANEY, A.; MAIER, C. (eds.). Between languages and cultures: translation and cross-cultural contexts. Pittsburg, CA: Pittsburg University Press, 1995.
DUCHET, C. Pour une sociocritique. Littérature. n. 1, p. 5-14,1971.
EVANS-PRITCHARD, E. Nuer religion. Oxford: Clarendon, 1957.
EVEN-ZOHAR, I. The position of translated literature within the literary polysystem. In: HOLMES, J.; LAMBERT, J.; BROECK, R. Van Den (eds.). Literature and translation: new perspectives in literary studies. Louvain: Acco, 1978. p. 117-127.
FENTON, S. (ed.). For better or for worse: translation as a tool for change in the South Pacific. Manchester: St. Jerome. 2003.
GENTZLER, E.; TYMOCZKO, M. (eds.). Translation and resistance. Manchester: St. Jerome, 2008.
GIROUX, D. Facisme et magie en Amérique: lectures contemporaines de Nietzsche. Thesis (PhD) Université du Quebec, 2003.
GODARD, B. Theorizing feminist discourse/translation. In: BASSNET, S.; LEFEVERE, A. Translation, history, culture. London: Pinter Publishers, 1990. p. 87-96.
Como Citar
PERSPECTIVAS CULTURAIS SOBRE A TRADUÇÃO. (2018). Traduzires, 1(1), 5-18.